can you get Ear Pain From Headphones
Home / Things to know / Ear Pain From Headphones: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

Ear Pain From Headphones: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It

Key Takeaways:

1.Prioritize ear health by understanding the causes of ear pain from headphones.
2.Adopt safe listening practices, including taking breaks and maintaining reasonable volume levels.
3.Choose headphones that fit well and consider over-ear options to minimize discomfort.
4.Practice good hygiene to prevent infections, and consult a doctor if ear pain persists.

The ubiquitous use of headphones has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a personalized auditory experience. However, this convenience comes with potential drawbacks, one of them being ear pain from headphones. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of ear pain and provide valuable tips on prevention.

Symptoms of headphone ear pain

An example of a man who is suffering from the ear pain

Listening to your favorite tunes through headphones shouldn’t result in discomfort, but sometimes it does. Here are some symptoms that may indicate you’re experiencing ear pain from headphones:

  1. Fullness or Pressure in Your Ears: A sensation of fullness or pressure can be a sign that your headphones are causing discomfort inside your ear canals.
  2. Ringing in Your Ears (Tinnitus): Prolonged use of headphones at high volumes may lead to tinnitus, a persistent ringing in the ears.
  3. Dizziness: If you feel dizzy while using headphones, it could be related to the pressure they exert on your ears.
  4. Headache: Unexplained headaches after headphone use might be a symptom of ear pain.
  5. Nausea: In extreme cases, ear pain from headphones can even lead to nausea.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult a medical professional promptly.

Causes of Ear Pain from Headphones

ear hurts after headphones


Wearing headphones for extended periods or having them too tight can exert undue pressure on the outer ear and ear canal. This pressure may lead to discomfort, chafing, and, ultimately, pain.

“Finding the right balance between enjoying your favorite tunes and ensuring your ears’ well-being is crucial.”


Listening at high volumes poses a significant risk to your hearing health. The delicate hair cells in the inner ear can suffer damage, resulting in pain and potential hearing loss. It’s essential to adopt safe listening practices.

“Protect your ears by keeping the volume at or below 85 decibels and taking regular breaks to let them recover.”

Earwax Buildup:

Headphones can inadvertently trap earwax, causing irritation, itching, and pain. Understanding how earwax interacts with headphones is vital for preventing discomfort.

“Regular cleaning and choosing the right type of headphones can help mitigate the risk of earwax-related pain.”

Causes of Ear PainEffects
PressureDiscomfort, chafing, and potential pain
VolumeHearing loss, damage to inner ear hair cells
Earwax BuildupIrritation, itching, and pain
InfectionPainful ear infections


Unhygienic headphones or sharing them with others can introduce bacteria into the ear canal, leading to painful infections. Maintaining cleanliness is paramount for ear health.

“Your headphones might be harboring more than music—take precautions to prevent ear infections.”

How to Prevent Ear Pain from Headphones

ear infections from headphones

Now that you know why headphones can cause ear pain, let’s discuss how to prevent it. Here are some practical tips to help you enjoy your music without discomfort:

How to Prevent Ear Pain from Headphones

Limiting Headphone Use

  • Take breaks every 30-60 minutes to allow your ears to rest.
  • Use headphones only when necessary and explore non-headphone activities.

“Your ears need breaks too! Give them the rest they deserve to avoid unnecessary strain.”

Adjusting the Volume

  • Listen to music at safe levels, preferably below 85 decibels.
  • Utilize volume-limiting features on devices and headphones.

“Preserve your hearing by keeping the volume in check—your ears will thank you later.”

Choosing the Right Headphones

  • Select headphones that fit properly and comfortably without excessive pressure.
  • Consider over-ear headphones to minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of earwax buildup.
Headphone TypeAdvantages
In-earPortability, noise isolation
Over-earComfort, less ear canal pressure

“Comfort is key—choose headphones that enhance your listening experience without compromising your ear health.”

Maintaining Ear Hygiene

  • Clean headphones regularly with disinfectant wipes or alcohol swabs.
  • Avoid sharing headphones to prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • Practice proper ear cleaning techniques and refrain from using cotton swabs.

“A clean routine not only preserves your headphones but also safeguards your ears from potential infections.”

Treatment Options for Ear Pain from Headphones

Close-up Of A Female Doctor Examining Patient's Ear With Otoscope

In cases of persistent pain, consider over-the-counter pain relievers and home remedies. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, consult a doctor promptly.

“Prioritize your hearing health. If the pain persists, seek professional advice to address the underlying issue.”


In conclusion, understanding the causes of ear pain from headphones empowers users to make informed choices about their listening habits.

By implementing preventative measures and prioritizing ear health, individuals can enjoy the benefits of headphones without compromising their well-being.

If you have an ear piercing it’s crucial to know that it is safe to wear headphones after an ear piercing or it can be dangerous. You can learn more about the risks and precautions in our article on wearing headphones after ear piercings.

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